Tuskegee University - Tuskegee, Alabama
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Tuskegee, AL 36088-1920
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Tuskegee University
Phone - 334-727-8011
Tuskegee University
Kresge Center, 3rd FloorTuskegee, AL 36088-1920
Administrative Info
Chairman: | Benjamin F Payton |
Title: | President |
Finance Office #: | 334-727-8212 |
Admin #: | 334-727-8500 |
Website: |
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Facilities Info
Campus Has Hospital: | No |
Historically Black College or University: | Yes |
Tribal College : | No |
Tuskegee University Data
Enrollment/Degree Offerings
Total Students: | 2,869 |
Students Enrolled Full-time: | 2,763 |
Open To The Public: | Yes |
Level Of Institution: | Four or more years |
Control Of Institution: | Private not-for-profit |
Highest Level Offered: | Doctor's degree |
Undergraduate Offering: | Undergraduate degree or certificate offering |
Graduate Offering: | Graduate degree or certificate offering |
First Professional Offering: | First-professional degree/certificate |
Highest Degree Offered: | Doctoral and first-professional |
Degree Granting Status: | Degree-granting |
Institution Grants a Medical Degree: | Yes |
Carnegie Classification | Masters Colleges and Universities I |